Senator Schumer, Hands Off Our Meds Please

People in chronic pain need help, more options, more understanding. [the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research] Issued at the request of Congress as part of President Obama’s health reform legislation, the report calls for a “cultural transformation” — an attitude shift on … Continue reading “Senator Schumer, Hands Off Our Meds Please”

Opioid-Acetaminophen Combination Painkillers. Easier to Get, Also Easier to Destroy Your Liver

I’m on Tylenol 3 with codeine. I’ve used it daily since the horrifyingly botched L-rods surgery in 1991 left me in serious pain. I try not to complain, and keep taking the codeine on my schedule to keep the persistent metal-on-bone pain under control. I’ve been reluctant to go to heavier narcotics, and when they … Continue reading “Opioid-Acetaminophen Combination Painkillers. Easier to Get, Also Easier to Destroy Your Liver”